Ibanez Delay/Echo DE7

Ibanez Delay/Echo DE7

Delivers both high-tech or vintage tape echo-type sounds (switch selectable). Capable of 30 ms. to 2.6 seconds of delay time. Time, repeat, level, and a Range Switch allow for quick, precise control.

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User Reviews of the Ibanez Delay/Echo DE7

  • Submitted by Marcello from Niterói (36 points) on Nov 16, 2012
  • This pedal is amazing, because I just found out I love analog echo besides the digital delay.

    The sound seems to be crisp, virtually noiseless. The delay mode is very good for U2-like rythm and echo is great for enhancing solos. I have a special mention on the echo mode´s infinite repeat function: it sounds like something from Bauhaus, pure terror fun. : )
  • Good Points: Great sound. Very good for its price (considering music gear is absurdly expensive in Brazil, specially imported). Metal enclosure. Push buttons, very good to move and keep the settings. Very easy to use.
  • Bad Points: I guess there are no bad points so far, since the fear of breaking switch is over, because mine is made in China, instead of Taiwan. I only miss a Boss-like rubber plate to step my foot on. With time, the surface will be foot-scratced, but otherwise this pedal is simply perfect. : )
  • Price Paid: US$120.00
  • Purchased At: Mercado Livre (Brazilian ebay)
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  • Submitted by Bassie from Brugge (200 points) on May 30, 2009
  • This pedal gives you real long delays in the delay mode but I don't really understand the reverb mode... Each time I select it a lot of "noise" appears and just keeps on repeating without even playing a note. The cool thing about it is the 3 way delay function switch. I actually never use it because I don't like it that much. I rather use my GLX Digital Delay DD050.
  • Good Points: Long delays 3 way delay switch
  • Bad Points: Reverb mode
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: once "borrowed" it and
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  • Submitted by SYKORA from Los Angeles, CA (26 points) on Dec 18, 2007
  • I bought this new around 2000/01. A decent pedal.2.6 seconds of delay was good for the money,at the time. Sound quality is what you expect from a cheap digital pedal and I don't hear much difference between the 'echo' and 'delay' settings. As was pointed out I tend to use my DD-6 more often,but as my noise gets more chaotic the self-oscillating feature and the smoother switching between delay time settings has made this one of my main pedals.
  • Good Points: push-down locking nods don't break in transport.blank metalic boxy machine appearance.easy to use. inexpensive. very controllable self-oscillation.well desined battery compartment.
  • Bad Points: not really too bad a point;the pots are not in universal order. they instead read; delay time,feedback,level.
  • Price Paid: US$90.00
  • Purchased At: guitar center (never again!)
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  • Submitted by drikudaz from montreal (88 points) on Oct 8, 2007
  • my first delay pedal and still one of the best weapon in my arsenal.
  • Good Points: stereo. 2 mode(delay/echo). built like a tank. knobs are cool to tweak. inexpensive.
  • Bad Points: not enough delay time.
  • Price Paid: US$80.00
  • Purchased At: steves music
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  • Submitted by Jon from New Haven, CT (80 points) on Sep 23, 2007
  • I feel pretty ambivalent about this one, the sound is nice enough, and as previously stated the two settings is a great feat. My biggest concern is that when the input is too loud, the delay signal itself is not loud enough. But I think itŽ´s also maybe due to me not finding the right spot for it yet, I got a dd-6 at the same time and find myself reaching for that one 9 times out of 10. Still, a good buy as it is possible to get it pretty cheap.
  • Good Points: Sounds good, solid construction and I do love the "set and forget" knobs.
  • Bad Points: no dry/wet parameter, just the delay level which is not quite loud enough I think, the pedal is just a little too subtle for me.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by nkondi from Portland, OR (610 points) on Apr 14, 2007
  • So my DOD delay which had 4 secs of delay crapped out on me completely. I needed to get a new pedal fast as I had planned to record the same day. Well DOD in all their infinite wisdom doesn't make the model I was using any more, and I couldn't find one in the used guitar shop that I frequent, as they have boutique fx as well that I can drool over. I looked at the Boss line and the lowest priced deal had such a short range at 800ms that it wasn't even worth it, there was Johnson at half the price and same amount of delay time, but those are way too big. Then I saw this pedal that turns into an echo as well! I usually use it for the delay, with all settings maxed and it works just as well as my old DOD, albiet a slightly shorter delay range, it still has proved to be a superior product. No volume loss is had with this thing and it will layer into a wall of mess before you know it. It's light and I think it is due to the aluminum chasis, at least it feels aluminum. I have yet to try it as a floop starter, but as I've heard is also really great for this too.
  • Good Points: A good amount of delay for the buck! Solid build Two FX in one
  • Bad Points: Since it probably had to make room for the echo, or they just felt they couldn't cram the extra, it doesn't have the sample options that alot of other models have, but I never use the sample options often enough to make this a big issue for me...
  • Price Paid: US$59.00
  • Purchased At: Old Town Music
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  • Submitted by provera from Waterloo, IA (172 points) on Jan 12, 2007
  • If you don't need a lot of delay time (more than 2.6 seconds) this is good enough to use as a primary delay, which is pretty impressive considering you can pick it up for half of what you'd pay for other standard delays. Like everyone else has said, echo is the big draw, and it's the effect that'll keep you coming back to this pedal even if you pick up a more upscale delay, but the actual delay is really nice as well, and I end up switching back and forth between them depending on how prominent I want it. It's definitely a pedal I use all the time and has held up very well to wear and tear -- these tone-lok cases are nice. Probably the best delay bang for the buck going (at least for newer pedals) and definitely not a delay you'll outgrow.
  • Good Points: Great delay and excellent echo Well-built Affordable
  • Bad Points: None. This pedal kills.
  • Price Paid: US$32.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Belial from Chicago, IL (110 points) on Oct 31, 2006
  • Put this at the end of your chain and prepare to be amazed. Good range of delay times. Great speed changing effects when you mess with the time knob. Ungodly repeats on the Echo function. I was sold in a instant. The delay is clean and crisp. Warmth is found, but it isnt ubundant. Still, An incredible Delay unit no matter what you feed into it.
  • Good Points: Construction (its a durable thing) ECHO FUNCTION (Seriously... whoa!) Two Outputs (Mono/Dry) Two Different Delay Modes Not Very Expensive (find one used) Repetitious Mayhem Its a 7 Series. (and I really like the 7 series)
  • Bad Points: Hmm... The Delay function is no match for the ungodly ECHO. It also eats batteries very quickly. Other than that, this thing rocks.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: Midwest Buy and Sell
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  • Submitted by Wolf from NYKOPING (6 points) on Jul 21, 2006
  • This one is always last in my noiserigg. I use "both sides" of the effect for cool effects. it also feels good to use. it's not only good for the voice but also tapelooping"swoushis".
  • Good Points: the delaytime knob when you're using the the echo effect. my pedal has also a cool color (limited edition)...
  • Bad Points: ...the limited edition color and the loss of high tones because of the tapeecho emulation.
  • Price Paid: US$90.00
  • Purchased At: www.helgeshala.com
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  • Submitted by tapesss from Brooksville, FL (344 points) on Jan 8, 2006
  • i was pretty impressed with this pedal. i use the echo mode a lot more than the delay mode, but both sound damn good. the echo has a little less top end, it's supposed to imitate an old tape echo i guess. in that mode you can get it to self oscillate by turning the repeat knob up. the delay time is good, from 30ms to 2.6 seconds, in three different time modes selectable by the switch on the left.
  • Good Points: solid great range self-oscillation
  • Bad Points:
  • Price Paid: US$80.00
  • Purchased At: railroad bazaar
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  • Submitted by Joe from San Juan (2 points) on Jul 9, 2004
  • it's the best! well, the echo at least, ive never used the delay mode,..i love the way it self oscilates into a mess...great price too!...it did break once cause it fell from the table, but its pretty easy to repair...
  • Good Points: cheap!cheap!cheap!, the locking buttons are pretty usefull for those intense moments.., very good echo
  • Bad Points: it fell and broke pretty easily
  • Price Paid: US$50.00
  • Purchased At: music store
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  • Submitted by Brandon from Collinsville, IL (104 points) on Apr 6, 2004
  • The overall sound tends to be crisp and clear. The delay mode is decent, but definitely not the strong point of this pedal. However, you can get a wide variety of sick tones out of it using the echo mode, as it can slur the living shit out of whatever sound you feed into it by fiddling with the delay time knob. If left on to cycle for a while you can use the delay time knob as a surrogate pitch change knob, which is pretty useful at the begining of a chain. I definitely won't be swapping this unit for anything else anytime soon.
  • Good Points: Highly useful, and tons of fun
  • Bad Points: Damned if I can find any
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At:
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  • Submitted by Torbjörn from Örebro (110 points) on Nov 2, 2002
  • My first delay and still number one in my gear collection. Use this mainly for vocals and it is great with the different settings for length and repeats. Works well with guitar as well and in a chain of effects it gives a lot of depth to the noise. I cant consider playing live without this as it is really reliable and you get what you want from it. Get this if you havenŽ´t got a good digital delay already.
  • Good Points: Good clean delay. Gives depth to noise without any loss of frequensies. Two ouputs is always nice.
  • Bad Points: Eats batteries like no other pedal I know of.
  • Price Paid: US$149.00
  • Purchased At: Estrad Musik
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  • Submitted by Stephan from United States (16 points) on Dec 10, 2001
  • This pedal is a staple of my core effects. It has two modes, a delay and an echo mode. I think the echo mode will be most intersting to noise/feedback mavens as the delay mode is pretty standard digital delay type stuff(nice). The echo side has a more gritty, analog delay type tone and by adjusting the effects level and length of delay you can create some intense feedback and infinite repeat type stuff that is dirty sounding and thick. Nice for creating a good wall of sound as a back drop.
  • Good Points: Echo mode creates nice sustained feedback when levels and repeats are cranked.
  • Bad Points:
  • Price Paid: US$70.00
  • Purchased At: guitar center
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