Audible Disease Rupture RP-2

Audible Disease Rupture RP-2

The insanity continues! Just like the original RP-1, you can use this device to create a feedback loop that takes just about any signal-processing device and spews forth demented sonic mayhem. The difference is the ability to switch between controlling the amount of feedback with either the traditional knob or by a new light-sensitive photo eye.

Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price: $125.00

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User Reviews of the Audible Disease Rupture RP-2

  • Submitted by Nature Abhors Normality from Daytona Beach, FL (32 points) on Mar 15, 2010
  • This is definitely a pedal for the experimenting noisician. The possibilities of this pedal are seemingly endless, considering the countless pedal configs you could use in the loop. I typically use a flanger pedal, a Boss MT-2 and my Convulsion CN-2 in the loop to great effect. I've also run nothing but a PodXT in the loop and spent HOURS tweaking all the effects models therein. If you've got a couple of weeks to dig out every pedal you own and aren't afraid to plug and unplug them about a MILLION times, then you're going to be very pleased with this pedal. Just don't buy this and a distortion box and expect miracles. This one is for the thinking man.
  • Good Points: - Solid construction - Big, beefy knob for easy twisting - Endless sound possibilities
  • Bad Points: - The optical eye isn't very receptive to additional light (flashlights, etc.) It really only responds when you put your finger over it, dampening out all the light. Shining more on it does little to nothing.
  • Price Paid: US$95.00
  • Purchased At: NoiseFX
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  • Submitted by john from Portland, OR (10 points) on Jan 26, 2009
  • it rips shit up seriously, this transforms any pedal into a bleating noise beast. turn the knob all the way to the left and the sound is routed through your signal chain pretty much normally, turn it more to the right and things start to get a little more interesting, turn it all the way to the right and your pedal chain is now magically transformed into a floop, and if your original signal is hot enough its a floop thats also driven by whatever noise-strument you were using.
  • Good Points: light simple to use fun
  • Bad Points: kinda unpredictable original sound can get totally buried depending on setup, you're going to need more patch cables than you think you might
  • Price Paid: US$97.00
  • Purchased At: nosiefx
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