Prescription Germ

Prescription Germ

3 knobs, clean boost, gain, and gain volume

Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price: $199.95

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User Reviews of the Prescription Germ

  • Submitted by Dave from Minneapolis, MN (48 points) on Oct 4, 2006
  • Combination clean boost and germanium overdrive in one box. The overdrive is very different from the usual Tube Screamer clones, with a rather spitty, snarly sound into a clean amp, but it's a MONSTER into a dirty amp.
  • Good Points: Superb clean boost, on par with a ZVex SHO (mine is almost always on, it makes EVERYTHING sound better). Unique-sounding overdrive doesn't sound a bit like a Tube Screamer, and pushes already-dirty amps in a very snarly, aggressive manner. Doesn't color your amp's basic tone much. Great if you need an overdrive, but want something different.
  • Bad Points: Expensive. Knobs can easily be turned accidentally. Overdrive only really useful with already-dirty amps.
  • Price Paid: US$180.00
  • Purchased At: Willie's American Guitars
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