Submitted by Dave from Minneapolis, MN (48 points) on Oct 4, 2006
Combination clean boost and germanium overdrive in one box. The overdrive is very different from the usual Tube Screamer clones, with a rather spitty, snarly sound into a clean amp, but it's a MONSTER into a dirty amp.
Good Points: Superb clean boost, on par with a ZVex SHO (mine is almost always on, it makes EVERYTHING sound better). Unique-sounding overdrive doesn't sound a bit like a Tube Screamer, and pushes already-dirty amps in a very snarly, aggressive manner. Doesn't color your amp's basic tone much. Great if you need an overdrive, but want something different.
Bad Points: Expensive. Knobs can easily be turned accidentally. Overdrive only really useful with already-dirty amps.