Maestro Phase Shifter

User Reviews of the Maestro Phase Shifter

  • Submitted by emanon from Detroit, MI (72 points) on Jan 27, 2008
  • Like all the old Maestro pedals, (not to be confused w/the current Maestro line, which is Gibson's entry into the discount store market) this thing is effin beautiful in a kitchy early '70's sorta way. But that sweet trio of different color rocker switches, for slow, medium & fast speeds--just like the organ in grandma's living room--are the main reason why it's not so usable. There are no other controls, besides the power switch, which is also a rocker switch & definitely not built to be stomped on, so I guess technically it's not really a pedal. The one sound it makes is a little more watery than wooshy & a nice sound it is, but I'd like a little more flexability. Having only three preset speeds, quite frankly blows, whether droning, freaking out harshly or playing more conventionally. Would you rather drive a car w/three set speeds or one with a gas pedal? As I recall, this thing mostly sat atop some vintage keyboard or another looking pretty & was rarely, if ever used. I only recommend it if it's cheap or if your the sort who likes to take pseudo artsy pics of your gear (with a tangle of patch cords of course) for your website & album art. There are some later Maestro phasers that have the typical controls & I would hold out for one of those or just get a E-H Small Stone.
  • Good Points: Great looks. The one sound it makes is pleasing. Likely to be a good investment if that matters to you. Despite what slimy eB** dealers might tell you, they're not rare--they made about forty thousand of them.
  • Bad Points: Looks aren't everything. Way over priced--lousy sounds-to-cash ratio. No controls other than three preset speeds. Not built to be stepped on. I don't recall if a signal even passes through when the power is off. Even the guy who designed it said it didn't do much.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: ex-bandmate had it
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