Lell Brutalizer BR

User Reviews of the Lell Brutalizer BR

  • Submitted by Jimgrindcore from ufa (28 points) on Jan 10, 2014
  • I dont have this pedal actually, but I have used it many times from my friend. The sound of its distortion is very "digital" and "sharp" - but maybe you can play something like dirty black metal or old wave death metal. It is constructed very goog in metal body and has three tumbles and three regulators - so you can change your sound in different ways - but it will be equally "digital soundind"
  • Good Points: Sound is suitable for black / death metal - noisy and scratchy
  • Bad Points: As I think it doesnt suit to play any different music at all((
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At:
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