Electro Harmonix Screaming Tree

User Reviews of the Electro Harmonix Screaming Tree

  • Submitted by Steve from London (44 points) on Apr 14, 2004
  • Not too useful for noise, this pedal. It's a very one-dimensional little beast, basically boosts the treble (does exactly what it says on the tin) with variable gain. When the gain is set to full (as of course it always should be) banging down on the footswitch does increase the level a fair bit, can give a nice bit of screaming feedback if you're using a mic or pickup. Adds a little noise to the signal (big deal). Not too much else to add. What you see is what you get. Pretty rubbish for noiseicians.
  • Good Points: Heavy-duty construction. If you get one cheap you could probably resell it for a profit. Or give it to a guitarist friend. Or have it stolen like I did...
  • Bad Points: Very limited scope. Paying for the name. Footswitch needs a damn good whack.
  • Price Paid: US$15.00
  • Purchased At: Defunct s'h shop in Southampton
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