Submitted by Loren from Auckland (12 points) on Jul 16, 2012
This thing is a monster! 8 different types of delay + envelope filter delay, reverse delay and looper functions. It's got adjustable modulation of the delay and 'voicing'. The voicing can be set into 1 of 11 patterns. Within these patterns again - the voicing can be adjusted with all kinds of sweetness - pitchshift, harmony, drop octaves, etc.
Has nice mix/blend that allows you to cut out the dry signal so all you're left with is the delay signal.
But the truly great thing - get a sound you like set/hook up an expression pedal/toogle to the other end of the expression/load another setting - now using the expression pedal you can float between the two settings! This absolutely mangles any signal going into this thing!
Good Points: Solid build - it feels like you could run a car over it
Comes with its own power supply
ALOT of sonic possibility
Is a real experimenters pedal
Up to like 23 seconds of delay.....
Bad Points: Depending on what you use as input/where it is in your set-up, it can suck signal.
Expensive - costs an arm and a leg and a growling from the wife!