DigiTech Pedalverb PDS 3000

DigiTech Pedalverb PDS 3000

This pedal allows you to hold the reverb to your preference and recycles the original signal over and over. Has knob to select 15 types of reverbs: reverse, large, medium, small, and gated...

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User Reviews of the DigiTech Pedalverb PDS 3000

  • Submitted by Adrian from Raleigh, NC (274 points) on Mar 19, 2002
  • I'm a big fan of burying a signal in a huge reverb, and then distorting it, so a reverb pedal is very handy. pds series pedal with 15 reverb modes including short reverse and gated reverbs, and then more or less "hall" style reverbs of various lengths. The medium and long reverbs enable the second switch on the pedal the "reverb hold". It sounds like it basically sets the reverb decay to infinite. On the long delays, this makes a lovely noise. The gated and reverse reverbs are best for use on sounds that are fairly rhythmic (or at least, with lots of attack and quick decay) The reverbs aren't exactly realistic, or tubey, or "vintage", but good for surrounding a signal with a nice big cloud of well, reverb. The controls are for reverb mix, and output and input gain.
  • Good Points: reverb hold great for generating a huge cloud of noise or as replacement for a infinite delay. digitech pds series, so it's fairly well built.
  • Bad Points: reverbs arent "studio quality", requires a power supply, kind of hard to find.
  • Price Paid: US$90.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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