DeArmond Phaser 1900

User Reviews of the DeArmond Phaser 1900

  • Submitted by emanon from Detroit, MI (72 points) on Jan 22, 2008
  • This an oddity made in the early 70's in beautiful Toledo Ohio. You'll notice that it looks identical to a DeArmond volume or wah pedal, where every other phaser I've ever seen is a box w/a switch & a knob or 2. That's because the pedal, as in the part where one puts their foot, controls the speed--but that's not all! Stomp on the heel and it switches between the rate mode--and-- here's where it gets really sick--a manual sweep. Mucho guitar fuzz or synth generated white noise highly recommended for an aural impression of flushing your head down the toilet while jets fly over. Conventional clean tones & or technique will yield predictably dull results (ie; the rock & pop of the '70's that turned me off from FX pedals in my wanna-be-anarchy youth)
  • Good Points: Very unique design--nothing on the market (correct me if I'm wrong) does what this does. Encased in heavy cast metal--feels indestructable.
  • Bad Points: Rare and usually priced accordingly (the only other one I've ever seen cost my man 0 in L.A. + 0 to get it working).
  • Price Paid: US$15.00
  • Purchased At: Anderson Music, Dearborn MI 1996
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