Submitted by emanon from Detroit, MI (72 points) on Jan 22, 2008
This an oddity made in the early 70's in beautiful Toledo Ohio. You'll notice that it looks identical to a DeArmond volume or wah pedal, where every other phaser I've ever seen is a box w/a switch & a knob or 2. That's because the pedal, as in the part where one puts their foot, controls the speed--but that's not all! Stomp on the heel and it switches between the rate mode--and-- here's where it gets really sick--a manual sweep. Mucho guitar fuzz or synth generated white noise highly recommended for an aural impression of flushing your head down the toilet while jets fly over. Conventional clean tones & or technique will yield predictably dull results (ie; the rock & pop of the '70's that turned me off from FX pedals in my wanna-be-anarchy youth)
Good Points: Very unique design--nothing on the market (correct me if I'm wrong) does what this does. Encased in heavy cast metal--feels indestructable.
Bad Points: Rare and usually priced accordingly (the only other one I've ever seen cost my man 0 in L.A. + 0 to get it working).