Daphon Heavy Metal E10MT

User Reviews of the Daphon Heavy Metal E10MT

  • Submitted by Pomp from Friendswood, TX (16 points) on Aug 28, 2010
  • I found this in the jewelry box at a pawn shop, down-marked to ten bucks.

    Pretty cool little box. With the Dist knob lowered, it kind of gates the sound slightly. Put after a fuzz in this setting and receive a sort of a "shit tone", if you will. The tone knob, at higher settings, boosts a ton of the mids, making it good for lead guitar, lo-fi vox, and whatever else requires dirty mids. By itself in a feedback loop, it can actually make sawtooth sounds at certain points. At a lower tone, it makes a nice bass fuzz or turns a drum machine into an instant industrial box.
  • Good Points: "Metal" distortion sounds. Good mid-range boost with tone knob up all the way Dist. knob can gate noise and make sort of a crumbly fuzz sound at certain points.

    Has the possibility of making sawtooth waves in a feedback loop. Cheap.
  • Bad Points: Not the best housing for a pedal ever. Not the best battery access design ever. Not very hi-fi, so to speak.
  • Price Paid: US$10.00
  • Purchased At: Pawn shop.
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