Zoom 506 Bass

Zoom 506 Bass

The Zoom 506 Bass is an interesting multi effects processor. It has a total of 24 effects (8 at once) and 24 storable/editable programs. Some of the effects you can find on this thing are: compression, limiter, fat wah, many different kinds of fuzz and distortion, equalization, phase, chorus, flange, octave, delay and more! It has a built in chromatic tuner which is perfect for noise applications (note: sarchasm). It's a great effect for noise. Prurient has one!

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User Reviews of the Zoom 506 Bass

  • Submitted by Belial from Chicago, IL (110 points) on Oct 13, 2010
  • Don't know what kind of masochist would want to plug a bass into this, because the only thing it's good for is making disgusting noises. Great for abrupt changes and stuttering as well as cut up harshness achieved by switching between patches. Every single setting sounds terrible and I love it. Grating, scratching, crunching walls abound. This is a little grey box of scum.
  • Good Points: All patches are able to be edited within the pedal's narrow parameters (amount of gain,octave,flange,etc. on each patch)

    Sounds terrible.
  • Bad Points: Not extremely versatile.

    Sounds terrible.

  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: some guy on a forum sent it to me!
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  • Submitted by Howard from Brighton, MA (132 points) on Nov 18, 2008
  • While all of the patches are pretty flat-sounding on their own, you can stack the effects to create some strange sounds that completely eclipse your input signal. This could be useful within a set as a sudden, sharp change. However, since the input signal gets buried under layers of digital effects, it's not particularly versatile. You can find these used for very little, and if you want to try out a wide variety of effects to get a general idea of what you like, it may be worth the money. Also, if you don't have an amp and need something to practice through, the amp simulator and headphone jack make this a pretty cost-effective solution.
  • Good Points: cheap amp simulator / headphone jack stacking effects
  • Bad Points: at its noisiest, buries input signal relatively flat sounding
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: gift
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  • Submitted by cory from Victoria (38 points) on Dec 12, 2006
  • Got this used at a pawn shop here in victoria. It was worth what I paid considering I had seen it go for more in other places. Generally a standard Multifx unit, nothing too fantastic, some of the distortion is ia nice touch, plus the ability to stack mutliple fx in a preset which is standard for a lot of pedals. Ultimately, everything offered is rather bland in comparison. However, it works nicely for vocals if you boost the signal. Also kind of nice to use in a feedback loop at the beginning. Create presets that radically differ from the prior and go swap crazy, save for a notable pause between the switch. All in all not worth the money unless you find it free or really cheap.
  • Good Points: Good for vocals Can add some nice flavor to your feedback Savable presets.
  • Bad Points: Digital. Awkward bypass switch Sucks tone Audible pause between switching presets
  • Price Paid: US$35.00
  • Purchased At: Pawn Shop
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  • Submitted by f. from sao paulo (8 points) on Nov 9, 2005
  • a friend lent me this pedal. i havent fully tested it to the max, but so far it stinks. all the effecs are rather mediocre, not to mention digital. it would be a quasi- unnoticeable addition to your chain, nevertheless, on the bright side, still an addition. (PS, my friend bought this because she needed a tuner for her bass.)
  • Good Points: cheap cost
  • Bad Points: cheap sound
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At:
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