Sirkut Electronics White Noise Generator

User Reviews of the Sirkut Electronics White Noise Generator

  • Submitted by Jon from Huntsville, AL (504 points) on Oct 6, 2009
  • Great, simple concept, MADE for distortions! It doesn't really react "normally" to much other than distortions in my experience, but you can coax all kinds of different things (besides WALLS) with a bit of creativity. I (somewhat successfully) got the WNG to work with a DOD Gate/Loop and a shaker box, where the shaker box worked as a trigger for the white noise, which is just one of the possibilities.
  • Good Points: Beautifully-simple. Dual Outputs. Small. It produces a very hot signal. Does exactly what the name suggests.
  • Bad Points: The fact that it needs to "warm up" kind of makes it difficult to quickly blast out a big wall of white noise... The sound kind of fades in gradually, so it's hard to get an "instant" wall without using a second pedal to mute the output in a live setting. Lacks certain controls that might be desirable (but I suppose that's the beauty of it).
  • Price Paid: US$60.00
  • Purchased At: eBay
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  • Submitted by ryan from calgary (196 points) on May 25, 2008
  • Got this from Noisefx used and what a deal!!!!!!!!! There isin't much to say about the Sirkut WNG except that it is perfect for wall noise. One switch , off or on that's it. Total WALL destruction when it is engaged. The dual outs make for some extreme possibilities. I flat out love this thing!!!!!!!....just add distortion.
  • Good Points: Sirkut so you know it's going to last longer than your knees. Meathead easy to use Dual outs A WALL of White noise
  • Bad Points: one minor quibble, no led, I like the purty lights....
  • Price Paid: US$78.00
  • Purchased At: NOISEFX
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  • Submitted by Emil from Lyngby (46 points) on Jul 14, 2005
  • this thing is sweet... ultra simpel with only onw switch, but full of possibilities... perfect for creating a harsh brutal wall of noise... I'm already in love with this little baby... now all I would ask for is a multi colored noise generator from Shawn :)
  • Good Points: looks good brutal built like a tank!!!
  • Bad Points: is this a joke??
  • Price Paid: US$60.00
  • Purchased At: sirkut electronics
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  • Submitted by Brandon from Collinsville, IL (104 points) on Nov 20, 2004
  • It hisses. It hisses! It makes my housemates swear we left the TV on the wrong channel! flip the switch, let simmer, add a distortion pedal and a few herbs and spices.... BAM! INSTANT WALL OF FUCKING NOISE to fuck with.
  • Good Points: It does exactly what it says. Two outputs make for super happy fun time! ZOMG!
  • Bad Points: none
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: old dude's website
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  • Submitted by taint from Waco, TX (22 points) on Oct 27, 2004
  • Black box with on/off switch & two outputs of white noise. Excellant. It's all you need. Run each ch. through various efx for slightly differing low-end noise.
  • Good Points: Everything
  • Bad Points: none
  • Price Paid: US$60.00
  • Purchased At: Sirkut
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