Sherman Filterbank

User Reviews of the Sherman Filterbank

  • Submitted by burnn_out! from Roseville, MI (78 points) on Oct 30, 2010
  • this is the most versitile filter your going to get your hands on for under $1000. realistically it can be had used for close to half that. multiple ins/ outs are extremely useful especially the dual outs. the only downside and its kinda of a big one. this filter is so complex in its options and routings, that its diffucult to repilicate and shape sounds. the layout and labeling of the controls is rather odd as well. generally i'd recommend this to anybody thats looking for something aggressive and different( aren't we all?)
  • Good Points: -versitile -road worthy build -wild aggressive sound
  • Bad Points: -difficult to control -wild sounds might be furustrating for those seeking more simple envelope filter fx.
  • Price Paid: US$500.00
  • Purchased At: da bayz
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  • Submitted by Beavis from Afghanistan (258 points) on Feb 15, 2003
  • Found this very cheap, didn't know what it did, but it looked cool, so i bought it and am amazed that i got it so cheap for what it does, blows away any noise making guitar pedal ive ever heard. Extreme frequency manipulation available
  • Good Points: Absolutly fantastic for noise. Sell all y'all pedals to get one!!!
  • Bad Points: Erm?? Maybe a little daunting and confusing at first
  • Price Paid: US$100.00
  • Purchased At: Sounds
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