Radio Shack Shielded Guitar/instrument Cord-1 Ft. 42-2465

Radio Shack Shielded Guitar/instrument Cord-1 Ft. 42-2465

Shielded instrument Cord-1 Ft. Great for patching together all your effects. Comes in assorted colors.

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User Reviews of the Radio Shack Shielded Guitar/instrument Cord-1 Ft. 42-2465

  • Submitted by Jon from Huntsville, AL (504 points) on Jul 8, 2007
  • Great for hooking up all you gear for little money... plenty of length (sometimes too long) these and other Radioshack cables are really good and easy to manage when setting up internal feedback loops
  • Good Points: You can get them at any Radioshack... nearly all of my cables (patch cables/other) are from Radioshack... They work well for how much you pay and they're flexible and light.
  • Bad Points: Noisier than pro-quality, but what do you expect?
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: Radioshack
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  • Submitted by Ferox from Los Altos, CA (432 points) on May 21, 2007
  • Gets the job done, I love these things.
  • Good Points: Turns on a battery powered pedal even when the other side has nothing connected in it, which is nice if you are playing bare cable style.
  • Bad Points: Not the highest quality.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack.
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  • Submitted by Ed from Bowling Green, OH (82 points) on Dec 2, 2006
  • I buy most of my audio cables from Radio Shack, because they work and they're not as expensive as those robber-baron guitar store ones.
  • Good Points: They work. Not much hum at all, if you treat them nicely.
  • Bad Points: Not as heavily protected/insulated as guitar cables from, say, Guitar Center.
  • Price Paid: US$5.00
  • Purchased At: Ratshack, five for small ones
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  • Submitted by sclr from Portland, OR (220 points) on Jul 31, 2005
  • it works. its cheaper than most pedal to pedal cebles and its a little bit longer than most.
  • Good Points: cheap. longer than most between pedal cables.
  • Bad Points: none.
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: radioshack
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  • Submitted by ck3 from Portland, ME (402 points) on Feb 20, 2005
  • I can thank both poverty and this review column for turning me on to this particular line of cables. Radio shack brand cables come in assorted lengths, all of which have practical applications with an ambient/noise guitar setup as large and varied as my own.
  • Good Points: Capable of enduring a great deal of abuse. Do not produce unwanted noise.
  • Bad Points: The type depicted here can sometimes be inflexible when situated at an odd angle. Radio Shack seems to be gradually phasing out its own brand with Monster Cables (so grab some cheap while you can).
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: Rat Shack, USA
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  • Submitted by Ed from Malverne, NY (104 points) on Feb 17, 2005
  • These are great all-purpose plugs, I mostly use the longer accordion cords. Connects pretty much everything - pedals, mixer, computer, whatever.
  • Good Points: cheap, convenient, durable.
  • Bad Points: none, really.
  • Price Paid: US$2.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack
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  • Submitted by Brad from Cleveland, OH (28 points) on Dec 3, 2004
  • I just picked up a few of these cables and hey they are rat shack cables you can't go wrong for a 3 bucks compared to what most chain music stores want for 6" pedal cables.
  • Good Points: Cheap
  • Bad Points: I Love Radio Shack!
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack
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  • Submitted by Azrael from Williston, VT (18 points) on Oct 29, 2004
  • Yeah, I got some of these recently. They're great when you have a lot of pedals and you don't want long cables. The angled ends are great, and the cables are noise-free.
  • Good Points: Nice and short Angled ends Noise-free
  • Bad Points:
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack
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  • Submitted by Spencer from Lubbock, TX (8 points) on Jun 18, 2004
  • These cables are great to plug pedals together. I like the right angle plug and the one foot length. I will be buying more soon.
  • Good Points: Cheap. Right angle plugs. One foot length.
  • Bad Points: None
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack
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  • Submitted by Ryan from Oak Creek, WI (106 points) on Dec 27, 2003
  • I use these on my bass board and there great! They were cheaper than others and I could pick them up 5 minutes away!
  • Good Points: Great, worked. and cheap!!!
  • Bad Points: None...
  • Price Paid: US$1.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack ( clearance each)
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  • Submitted by nkondi from Portland, OR (610 points) on Jun 6, 2003
  • i have a bunch of these from about two years and havent had one break. i did have to get a couple more, and found that radio shack, in all their marketing brilliance decided to discontinue making these. so i checked on ebay and found some geetar store selling a similar product from a diffirent manufacturer. the quality didn't change much between the two brands, so im pretty sure its safe to say theyll get the job done.
  • Good Points: cheap...
  • Bad Points: ...if you can find them.
  • Price Paid: US$8.00
  • Purchased At: various (in 12 packs)
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  • Submitted by K. from Sealy, TX (536 points) on Jun 6, 2003
  • Luckily the Radio Shack where I live still has a decent supply of these, though only in the single package. As everyone else has said, not the highest quality, but will do the job just as well. The 1' length makes 'em invaulable for odd pedal chains and combinations where the shorter patch cables just won't reach and it would be ridiculous to use a 6' or 8' cord. I'll definitely be picking up a few more before they're gone forever.
  • Good Points: 1' length useful in a variety of situations where either shorter or longer cables won't do, relatively inexpensive.
  • Bad Points: Cheap construction
  • Price Paid: US$3.00
  • Purchased At: Radio Shack
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  • Submitted by spit + smudge from Savannah, GA (214 points) on Mar 17, 2003
  • What more could you cords in terms of price but never once failed during any of my recordings OR my live shows. Get them if you can find them because they are now discontinued.
  • Good Points: Cords..they work? Duh.
  • Bad Points: None other than being discontinued.
  • Price Paid: US$10.00
  • Purchased At: radio shack
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  • Submitted by Harm from Mechanicsville, VA (86 points) on Mar 15, 2002
  • RadioShack seems to be failing to stock a lot of their cables lately, but these are the hardest to find. it's like 10 bux for 6 cables and they do come in handy because hardly anywhere else can you find 1 foot cables with two right angle 1/4" connectors for this cheap. Everywhere else sells overpriced "special" gold plated or whatever cables, which even for someone who wants to make studio clear sound gets ripped off. They are good cables, last a long time in my opinion. I recently made myself a pedal board and secured everything down and i invested in those all metal couplings to chain my pedals together and they work great, no hum that i can tell. I still use these cables though to route between my suppresor and the pedals because they are the perfect length and don't make a huge mess on my setup.
  • Good Points: cheap, great length, right angle connectors, radio shack has lots of handy wires.
  • Bad Points: none really... nothing i didn't expect.
  • Price Paid: US$10.00
  • Purchased At: RadioShack
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  • Submitted by gr-eh? from Detroit, MI (402 points) on Mar 13, 2002
  • i buy these in the 6 packs Radio Shack sells, although recently i've had some troubles tracking them down. they work well enough and they are nice and cheap. that being said, keep in mind that they are CHEAP - cheaply made. all of mine have lasted. decent length for running a pedals out back into its in.
  • Good Points: uh cheap and plentiful. the 6 cords in the pack are colored different so i guess that is cool.
  • Bad Points: poorly shielded, get some hum when plugging 'em in. hell, it is noise so it isn't a big deal but they will buzz a bit.
  • Price Paid: US$11.00
  • Purchased At: 6-pack @ Radio Shack
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