Peavey Dual Clock Stereo Chorus DSC-4

User Reviews of the Peavey Dual Clock Stereo Chorus DSC-4

  • Submitted by K. from Sealy, TX (536 points) on Jun 15, 2002
  • As Gus stated previously, a single pedal containing two seperate chorus effects, both w/ individual rate and depth controls. Never thought much of chorus for noise, basically a really short delay which gets lost amid a crushing assault. I picked it up for the feedback loop potential, strange alien noises are always a plus. I wouldn't say it's an amazing pedal on its own, but it definitely makes it easier to get good results from other pedals in a feedback loop (tried it w/ just a DOD Buzz Box, w/ the chorus off the B.Box just did annoying squeals, but when the chorus was added it turned into harsh grinding - key here was to keep the chorus rate up high.). The rubber covered switch can be a pain to operate, though mine seems to be a little easier than most. Very solid construction, armor plated. I'm still playing w/ it and expect to find more uses for this relic in noise production.
  • Good Points: Two seperate chorus effects in a single pedal w/ independent rate and depth controls, indestructible (these things will probably still be around in 15,000,000 years after the sun goes nova and the earth is nothing but a smoking cinder.).
  • Bad Points: Switch can be a real pain in the ass to operate.
  • Price Paid: US$35.00
  • Purchased At: E-bay
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  • Submitted by Gus from San Francisco, CA (282 points) on May 12, 2002
  • One pedal, two seperate choruses (one standard chorus, and one companded chorus). The choruses are a bit on the noisy side when this pedal is used as a standard effect. With a high gain signal you can hear swooshy chorus background noises. This thing produces some neat, off kilter, synth like tones when it is fed into itself. As the choruses are of slightly different waveforms, and each has its own rate and depth knob it can create odd, drunken stereo weirdness. The major downside to this thing is the footswitch can be difficult to turn on and off with your hand. I'm not sure why it should be so hard, but it is. Very similar to the DOD Stereo Turbo Chorus, only a bit more random and noisy. Plus it's a Peavey, so there is no way a mere mortal human could break it.
  • Good Points: Good for off kilter stereo effects. Feeds back into itself well. It's neon pink, and so far every neon pink pedal I've bought has been great (DOD Thrashmaster, Guatone tube analog delay...) Call me superstitious, but so far neon pink has been lucky for me...
  • Bad Points: The footswitch is hard to operate by hand.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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