KMD Analog Delay

User Reviews of the KMD Analog Delay

  • Submitted by K. from Sealy, TX (536 points) on Jun 18, 2002
  • Very nice and well constructed analog delay pedal, has the usual controls for rate, feedback, and depth/level/mix (don't recall as I sold it a few months ago), plus an extra knob for tone you won't find on the Boss analog boxes. That said it is very comparable to the Boss units in sound, with the added bonus that if you can find one they're usually alot cheaper. As is the case w/ all the old analog delays they feedback quite readily, whether or not they're in a feedback loop, just crank the feedback/repeat control to maximum and enjoy. Personally I never cared for the analog delay sound, though I've owned at least three over the years. Stereo outs and will run on a standard Boss-stlye power supply, control layout quite comfortable and makes tweaking fairly easy. Worth the money if you like the sound
  • Good Points: "Built like a tank" does not even begin to describe how solid this thing is, it may be housed in something other than aluminum. Made in Japan, Boss styling and every bit as good sound-wise.
  • Bad Points: None really, I just don't particularly care for analog delay.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: pawn shop
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