Ibanez Fuzz FZ7

Ibanez Fuzz FZ7

The Ibanez Fuzz FZ7 is an over-the-top fuzz pedal that gives a wide range of distortion sounds. This pedal even has a switch that lets you simulate a damaged speaker... from 0%, 10% or 100%. Other controls include Drive knob, Tone knob and Level knob. Powered by either a standard 9-volt battery or by a 9-volt DC power adapter with a standard 'barrel' type tip with negative center.

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User Reviews of the Ibanez Fuzz FZ7

  • Submitted by Aleem from Romford (18 points) on Jun 2, 2009
  • This is awesome. the fuzz is useless bad wooly mamoth clone.. the speaker damage>? spot on mate nothing makes me happier! they should have put the broken speaker on the LF7 would have saved me some dough
  • Good Points: damage broken raty speakers that overload stupidly easily
  • Bad Points: from a noise point of view this SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE LF7..sooo had to buy two pedals
  • Price Paid: US$35.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Jon from Huntsville, AL (504 points) on Jan 25, 2008
  • I didn't really like this pedal when I first tried it, but after playing with it a bit, I found that is a very capable and GOOD sounding "broken speaker"/noise fuzz. It was only thirty-three dollars including shipping! Worth trying if you aren't able to pay for expensive boutique pedals. (most are boring FF clones anyways!)
  • Good Points: Very affordable! Nice build quality. Brittle and harsh highs with damage engaged in FB loop! Plays well with other dist/octave pedals. Sounds like a real FUZZ, not an OD and distortion... Probably one of the best Fuzz FX that's easy to find AND affordable. I like it for guitar as well.
  • Bad Points: I only use it with the "damage" engaged and the low end sounds muffled and cloudy with little definition. Cuts volume ever-so-slightly. A bit noisy (in the bad way). Damage switch sounds the same on 10 and 100%. Tends to cut out/gate/mute itself briefly when overloaded with a really big signal (sometimes it's a nice effect though).
  • Price Paid: US$33.00
  • Purchased At: eBay
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  • Submitted by Steve from Fulton, NY (142 points) on May 12, 2007
  • This thing goes insane in my feedback loop. I've gotten everything from high pitched scraping, almost screaming noises. As well as low rumble crunchy walls of sound. It works perfectly in my loop and im certainly glad I've purchased it. And I got it for a good price to boot.
  • Good Points: Insane highs and lows Cheap
  • Bad Points: Sounds horrible when you run a guitar through it The "speaker damage" switch doesnt do much in a loop
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: Ebay
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  • Submitted by Ferox from Los Altos, CA (432 points) on May 3, 2007
  • Broken-fuzz-o-rama. Great sounding fuzz that destroys the tone at 100% for the price.
  • Good Points: Nice if you want to fuzz up a loop or just add a nice harsh edge to your chain.
  • Bad Points: Sucks some volume out. One trick pony.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At:
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  • Submitted by ck3 from Portland, ME (402 points) on Mar 12, 2005
  • I received this pedal as part of a trade and was surpised by the quality of its fuzz tones, which somewhat reminded me of the Zoom Ultra Fuzz in its non-oscillating mode.
  • Good Points: Thick, modern muff-ish fuzz tones or misbiased synthiness at the flick of a switch. Can provide a slight upper octave effect if tweaked properly with the 10% Damage setting. Adds interesting rhythms to a feedback loop with the Damage switch is at 100%. Cascades well with other dirtboxes. Fairly wide tone sweep.
  • Bad Points: Can generate unwanted noise in the "normal" mode at higher gain settings. Damage switch does not allow for fine tuning and only has two settings (a Damage knob would have been better, IMHO). Boring in a feedback loop without the damage switch engaged.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: Daddy's Junky Music
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  • Submitted by paolo from Lafayette, LA (6 points) on May 14, 2004
  • Hi all its PAOLO I think the fz7 is a nice pedal if you like that fat or broken fuzz tone I mean I like it because I have put it behind my other pedals and I can get a octave up to a really heavy fuzz with them together.that broken sound really its just a sherding effect to me but when you use the tone knob and the damage switch on 100%watch out its really broken sounding.
  • Good Points: its a cool fuzz box none like it really creamy or really broken. I like it on the treble side its more thiner that way.
  • Bad Points: NOT brassy at all thats what I was looking for
  • Price Paid: US$100.00
  • Purchased At: musican's friend
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  • Submitted by d. l. from Wakefield, MA (204 points) on Jun 14, 2003
  • great modern fuzzy sound for industrial/noise/power electronics. excellent for evil sounding power chords; more pronounced trebble, not much bass, so palm mutes aren't that powerful but broken-machine-sounding (which is cool anyway).
  • Good Points: the modern digital sound, damage switch, responsive tone control, solid outer construction, inexpensive
  • Bad Points: no gate (a bit noisy), would like damage switch to have more of an effect
  • Price Paid: US$50.00
  • Purchased At: Guitar Center
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  • Submitted by Torbjörn from Örebro (110 points) on Nov 2, 2002
  • Well this one takes some time getting used to. I have had it for a couple of months and I still dont know what sound I will get out of it when I tweak it. You can get a lot of different sound from it and it can chop up the sound as well. The broken switch does not affect the sound as much as I would like. Useless for vocals this is really a pedal to experiment with in a noise chain.
  • Good Points: Sturdy. Lots of sounds from it.
  • Bad Points: Hard to really get into. Useless for vocals.
  • Price Paid: US$99.00
  • Purchased At: Förstärkardoktorn
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  • Submitted by K. from Sealy, TX (536 points) on Apr 14, 2002
  • Just had one delivered the other day and already grown quite fond of it. Stands to reason since I own 3 of the Boss Hyper Fuzz pedals, but the FZ7 has its own character, possibly similar to a fuzz factory, though I've never heard one. It has your standard drive, tone and level controls, and a "damage" switch which simulates a ratted out speaker at the 100% setting. There's actually little difference in the sound between the 10% and 100% settings of the switch w/ a constant signal running through it, but if the source has stops/rests, it's much more noticeable how the signal breaks up as it decays in the max. setting. In a line loop w/ the knobs tweaked right it'll sound like a misfiring engine, SLOWLY rotating the level, drive, or tone knobs will vary the speed and tonality of these sputtering noises, also little difference betwwen the 10% and 100% positions on the switch, though the pedal actually sounds rougher in the 0 spot.
  • Good Points: See review, fairly cheap also.
  • Bad Points: Would have liked to have seen more "damage" betwwen the 10% and 100% settings of the switch.
  • Price Paid: US$25.00
  • Purchased At: Music Go Round
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  • Submitted by Anthony from Sydney (42 points) on Feb 11, 2002
  • fuzz fuzz and fuzz. 3 nobs do stuff.
  • Good Points: Tthis is a cool fuzz factory. Ibanez have tried to copy z vex for this one. Close but no cigar. Cool broken fuzz sound.
  • Bad Points: bit noisy
  • Price Paid: US$70.00
  • Purchased At:
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