Ibanez Chorus/Flanger CF7

Ibanez Chorus/Flanger CF7

The Ibanez Chorus/Flanger CF7 is an excellent chorus and flanger that gives you a huge array of different sounds. You can switch between either chorus or flanger mode and tweak the knobs for many, many variations of each of those effects or switch either one of these modes into the "wack'd" setting for even more insane modulated sounds. Features the Ibanez "TonLok" where you can push each one of the knobs down into the case to avoid accidental setting changes. Solid die-cast aluminum construction. Operates with either a 9-volt battery or a 9-volt power supply (like a 'barrel' type Boss power supply).

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User Reviews of the Ibanez Chorus/Flanger CF7

  • Submitted by Jessie from Clermont, FL (2 points) on Jul 2, 2016
  • I have had this CF7 for a couple of months and it was ok. I just sent it off to alchemy audio to be modded and It is a monster tone Machine and QUIET so I have to say John did an EXcellent job !!!
  • Good Points: wonderful after being Modded !!!
  • Bad Points: Needs modding to be a Monster of Tone !!!
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At:
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  • Submitted by Jon from Huntsville, AL (504 points) on Dec 29, 2007
  • A chorus/flange with lots of nice features...
  • Good Points: The "WACK'D" (or whatever it's called) chorus mode is great fun... the rate gets extremely fast, somewhat like a ring mod... the normal mode is fairly decent too. Good construction. The tone-lok knobs can be surprisingly useful.
  • Bad Points: The normal mode tends to be downed out in loops... I hardly use the flanger setting at all... Can seem a bit redundant if you already have a lot of chorus/vibrato/flange type effects... I learned that too late, though... But it's still unique and worth trying out.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: a gift... bought on ebay
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  • Submitted by nkondi from Portland, OR (610 points) on Feb 25, 2006
  • so i like both wack'd and normal modes...heck ill switch between the two for dramatic effect. this pedal is loud. i have no volume drops, and as feedback loop starter it seems to give me a volume boost when engaged...which is great for some volume swelling, but then this might be something people wouldnt find to their liking. crazy and insane sounds will come forth through this little beasty. and i almost think it should be in the arsenal of any harshnoiser who likes it fast and insane, drone need not apply. all around a great pedal, that i probably should have bought a year and a half ago.
  • Good Points: solid construction crazy sounds that are very usuable for noise (especially the harsh kind)
  • Bad Points: knobs are a bit close, but then when are they not on a pedal?
  • Price Paid: US$30.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Brandon from Collinsville, IL (104 points) on Dec 8, 2005
  • As has been mentioned before, this pedal's application of the chorus and flanging is pretty weak. It can do interesting things for noise, but it's best that you feed it IN to a distortion, instead of vice versa... it doesn't seem to like to do terribly much with most flavors of dist. It IS however a nice pedal to use for pedal based ambient, but that's beside the point. For those of you who couldn't be bothered to look, there's a handy dandy trim pot inside the damned thing, and turning it all the way up does indeed make this unit far more interesting than it was to begin with. But besides that, I'm currently sniffing out good circuit bends for it... already found 2, and undoubtedly more exist.
  • Good Points: Yields interesting circuit bends. Is great for ambient settings. TRIM POT INSIDE! take a look at it, folks
  • Bad Points: the effect unmodified is fairly quiet, and there's not terribly much of a difference between the chorus and the flange it seems.. But as far as I'm concerned.. the bend opportunities far outweigh the quietude/weakness of the unmodified effect
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: some dinky assed shop in arizona
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  • Submitted by Mike from Simi Valley, CA (2 points) on Apr 21, 2003
  • This pedal is great for noise guitar. Contrary to popular opinion, the normal mode produces far stranger sounds than the Whack'd, but that's just what I think. If you've got the patience to sit down and twiddle the knobs, you'll find some static that suits you.
  • Good Points: Built like a tank, Tone-Lok knobs, tons of sounds available.
  • Bad Points: Very few...weak flanger, eats batteries. Invest in an A/C adapter.
  • Price Paid: US$70.00
  • Purchased At: World Music in California
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  • Submitted by Ryan from Toronto (2 points) on Mar 27, 2002
  • Normally the thought of owning any device which creates Chorus or Flange effects would make me cringe, but the CF7 offers some unique features. The guy who works at the store I purchase my gear from knows I'm into "weird" sounding products, so based on his recommendation I tried this pedal out. The switch label crazy is what gives this box any real value to me. When set to whack'd mode the CF7 is capable of generating some really unconventional ring modulation type tones. That said, putting the pedal into this mode reveals it's greatest flaw. Unfortunatly the Wack'd mode seems to roll-off a lot of high end opposed to normal mode operation. Since I would never use this pedal in normal mode I combat this problem by placing an eq or a distortion with filters after it in the signal chain. The box construction of this series seems to be a great improvment over the older ibanez sound tank series. I'd say this pedal is a worthwhile cheap investment for some unique tones.
  • Good Points: Some uniqe tones. Two 1/4" output jacks.
  • Bad Points: Gain difference between normal and wack'd modes.
  • Price Paid: US$70.00
  • Purchased At: Songbird Music Toronto
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  • Submitted by Rob from London (362 points) on Mar 23, 2002
  • The chorus and flange sound a bit thin and are nothing special at all. It has a whacked mode to make some strange sounds. It's notible for noise players because you can increase the rate waaay more than any other chorus/flanger so it blurs into itself. It sound almost like a ring modualator and certainly sounds atonal.
  • Good Points: Cool whacked mode and fast rates mean cool noise sounds
  • Bad Points: mediocre chorus/flanger.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: Borrowed
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  • Submitted by Brandon from Fort Atkinson, WI (2 points) on Dec 6, 2001
  • Chorus not good, very shallow. Flange is noisy. This pedal boosts your signal when on as well. The only thing its good for is making noise. You can adjust it to sound like a Ring Modulator (which is nice). The wack'd switch is basically more Rate. Only get this thing if you are looking into getting a ring mod or just looking for a effect to make obnoxious sounds.
  • Good Points: The only thing its good for is making noise (vibrato-not the greatest vibrato though,ring mod, and controlled feedback). Thats the only reason why i still have this thing.
  • Bad Points:
  • Price Paid: US$80.00
  • Purchased At: AMS
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