DOD Stereo Flanger FX75-B

DOD Stereo Flanger FX75-B

Regeneration flanging, chorus, and vibrato are just a few of the many different types of effects the FX75B Stereo Flanger can generate.

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User Reviews of the DOD Stereo Flanger FX75-B

  • Submitted by John from United States (10 points) on May 2, 2013
  • This is my second Flanger, this first was stolen. After reading the other reviews I took it that the other musicians really didn't plug it into the right amps. I took two twin 100 watt amps set to the same settings. This unit blew the band away with it solid sound and effect. They are not easy to impress, all high profession players.
  • Good Points: Made for the rough road, it's a tank and can take a lot of punishment ! I tried every settings, some that I would never use, but were fun to play with. The sound I was able to dial in was fantastic, thick and in full stereo that didn't take anything away from the original sound. Add just enough to be noticeable without sounding like I didn't know how to use it.
  • Bad Points: Needs a third outlet for MONO, so when you switch it off, you could go to a third amp. Other then that, it doesn't have my name on it. A super effect that came from the Abby Road Studio's for the Beatles. Look it up. Thanks for building it !!
  • Price Paid: US$21.95
  • Purchased At: Westside Music; Waipahu Hawaii
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  • Submitted by kk from Annandale On Hudson, NY (104 points) on Sep 4, 2009
  • kind of a fun gimmick, but i guess flangers aren't my thing. it was fun for a few days, but it's useless unless it's at the end of a chain, and when it's at the end of the chain, it's way too present.
  • Good Points: - stereo outputs are cool
  • Bad Points: - kinda useless - destroys detail
  • Price Paid: US$20.00
  • Purchased At: daddy's junky music
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  • Submitted by Howard from Brighton, MA (132 points) on Mar 16, 2009
  • I had never used a flanger that was not part of a digital effects unit before, so I was not sure what to expect. My pedal was modified by a previous owner: the trim pots have been adjusted to give a ring modulated sound with extra delay. I have tested it out with a contact mic as well as in a small feedback loop with a chorus pedal. Cranking the regen knob increases the feedback volume immensely. Also, the width and depth controls provide a fair amount of control over the tones from a feedback loop. The combination of the chorus and flange together produce some very deep tones. Due to the mods, mine puts out a high pitched tone above the standard flange which I have been removing using an eq. Most of the sounds of been able to pull from this pedal have been cyclic, watery pulses. The knobs and the pedal itself are solid, but the switch is a bit tricky to engage and disengage when compared to many other pedals.
  • Good Points: -Rounded tones and pulses from a feedback loop. -Can be modded for ring mod like sounds and additional delay. -Solid knobs and housing. -Stereo output is useful for creating feedback loops. -Works well paired with a chorus.
  • Bad Points: -Weak switch, which seems to happen often with older DOD pedals.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
  • Purchased At: Part of a trade.
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  • Submitted by apewrist from Kielce (310 points) on Jun 14, 2008
  • Ok, I've been toying around with this pedal for a while now and I must say I'm more than impressed. I've had only one flanger before (Exar FL-02) and I hated it. The FX75-B is perfect in the sense that it makes a perfect addition to my current setup. It doesn't really stand out in the mix which is good (for me), it adds a lot of dimension and overall strangeness to quiet parts of a noise composition. The sounds it makes in a feedback loop are insane and glitchy. I strongly recommend it because of its unique sound and bendability. Be sure to check it out before you buy it though as it may not be your cup of tea.
  • Good Points: - Unique sound - Bendability - Sturdy
  • Bad Points: - Battery cover - On/off pedal - Power input
  • Price Paid: US$45.00
  • Purchased At:
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  • Submitted by Jon from Huntsville, AL (504 points) on Jul 8, 2007
  • I got this not knowing much about it... When it arrived I was a bit underwhelmed, but satisfied nonetheless... it's not really as abrasive as I'd hoped. It's sound more like a chorus than anything else to me, with a slight flange about mid-way in the settings... I modified the trim pots the day I got it, which made it do an obnoxious white noise/high-pitched tone as it cycles... and I can barley turn it up before the noise shows up... be sure to mark the pots if you try to adjust them...
  • Good Points: Cheap. Stereo. Pretty good/easy to bend and modify. Overall, sounds good if you just want to add a slight Chorus/Flange to something.
  • Bad Points: If you want what you'd expect from a typical flange, you may be disappointed. The switch will probably break one day, but it should last a long time assuming you're gentle with it. Tends to go from too subtle to too extreme/annoying-- It's really more of an after thought than what you would use regularly.
  • Price Paid: US$19.00
  • Purchased At: eBay
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  • Submitted by Frank from Chicago, IL (52 points) on May 16, 2006
  • This is a shitty flanger that has that classic shitty flanger sound. It's thin and tends to be harsh, which may or my not be your cup of tea. There's a wide range of sounds you get out of it--some of which are pretty neat. When you crank the knobs it will start making this weird and annoying thunking noise. Even after I got bored w/ the sound of this thing, I still found use of it to split my signal to send to a stereo setup. Eventually it broke and I got a Loooper ABY to do the same .
  • Good Points: can be found cheap, stereo output
  • Bad Points: Breaks due to poor constion
  • Price Paid: US$50.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Torbjörn from Örebro (110 points) on Dec 29, 2003
  • Got this as a part of an Ebaydeal and didnŽ´t know what to expect. Well I think it is pretty much a standard flanger compared to Boss BF-2 and DOD FX75-C. I like it and it is usefull as a flanger but I can`t recommend it specially over the above mentioned flangers. It gets the job done and if you find it cheap just get it.
  • Good Points: It flanges in a nice way.
  • Bad Points: Nothing special about this flanger.
  • Price Paid: US$15.00
  • Purchased At: Ebay
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  • Submitted by nkondi from Portland, OR (610 points) on Jul 17, 2003
  • this a very good flange, and even not fed back into itself you can attain some more metallic sounding flange, unlike the danelectro hasbrowns which tends to be warm. a very recomended stereo pedal...
  • Good Points: dod stereo pedal=loop starter standard solid construction
  • Bad Points: the range isnt as good as delay for a feedback loop, like a delay, but its a flanger...
  • Price Paid: US$28.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by D/A A/D from Halifax (410 points) on Dec 11, 2002
  • Again, any stereo dod pedal will give you crazy harsh metalic sounds when you feed it into its self. This one does it all, I mean every knob preforms a major variance. Especialy good when used with other effects in the feedback loop.
  • Good Points: cheep, dod construction, stereo outs (feeback 'o' rific), and actualy has a really good flanger effect (if you want to use it that way).
  • Bad Points: Old 1/8th mono power jack input, other than that - nothing.
  • Price Paid: US$30.00
  • Purchased At: Ebay
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  • Submitted by spit + smudge from Savannah, GA (214 points) on May 21, 2002
  • The flanger sounds ok, nothing spectacular. The speed knob in my opinion isnt fast enough and the width knob doesnt change drastically enough. Then again it does what it is supposed to do.
  • Good Points: Sounds unlike other flangers, probably due to the range it has, it has stereo outputs which can be good for looping a signal back into itself (provided you feed it into some other pedals first).
  • Bad Points: The speed and width ranges aren't necessarily too impressive.
  • Price Paid: US$35.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Seth from Sydney (40 points) on Sep 23, 2001
  • I find the DOD flanger to be slightly unusual tonally. Not your stereotypical (no pun intended) flanger sound. It is more 'wet' sounding and subtle. Mix flange with chorus with phase, and start to get an idea. Those who already have a flanger and want a different flavour I recommend it.
  • Good Points: Its unusual tone, though may be too subtle for most noise musicians. Sounds awesome in stereo. Tough construction.
  • Bad Points: If you want outrageous sweeps and metallic overtones, look elsewhere. It doesn't do stock flange sounds. The dod battery cover is easy to lose.
  • Price Paid: US$70.00
  • Purchased At: M y Music
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