DOD Punkifier FX76

DOD Punkifier FX76

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The FX76, affectionately numbered after the year that the punk-rock movement broke into mainstream culture, produces a classic overdrive that can be mixed with an early '70s-type fuzz. The Punkifier's controls are: PUNK, the mix between overdrive and fuzz; SLAM, the gain of the overdrive section; SPIKES, boost or cut of the high-end EQ; and MENACE, the output level.

Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price: $119.95

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User Reviews of the DOD Punkifier FX76

  • Submitted by Samuel from Vancouver, WA (92 points) on Mar 22, 2006
  • Here's something odd, I noticed when I had this in a chain of several other DOD distortions, and I was putting either the treble all the way up and the bass all the way down or vice versa on all of them, that the "punk" knob (blend of fuzz or distortion) would suck volume when all the way one way with one combination or suck volume when all the way to the other end with the other, depending on if it was being fed high or low pitches. I think you'll have to work this out when having it in your own chain.
  • Good Points: Has a lot of functions, always nice to have something more on your pedal chain.
  • Bad Points: Not as extreme as other DOD distortions
  • Price Paid: US$48.00
  • Purchased At: NOISEFX
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  • Submitted by ck3 from Portland, ME (402 points) on Feb 10, 2006
  • I had wanted to try one of these for over a year and finally came by one in a recent trade. Fans of the Holowon Static Egg who don't want to deal with the company's recurrent lapses in customer care should defintely seek this pedal out on eBay, Craigslist, etc.
  • Good Points: The kitsch camo paintjob is bonzer redneck rad. The FX76 has affordably replaced a more obscure boutique fuzz. It does not produce unwanted noise with the settings that I prefer.
  • Bad Points: The knob labels are illegible without a good amount of overhead lighting. Old-school DOD construction, esp. the Funky DC power jack. No longer made and sometimes difficult to find.
  • Price Paid: US$0.00
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  • Submitted by tapesss from Brooksville, FL (344 points) on Jan 8, 2006
  • despite the goofy moniker, this pedal is great. it's an overdrive circuit and vintage style fuzz circuit together in one pedal. the fuzz does create a bit of volume drop, if that bothers you hook up some kind of boost after it. the overdrive is good, but i really like the fuzz. it's that nasty 70s style fuzz, really wet sounding and grody. it's fun to turn the "punk" knob back and forth with a loop going behind it, thus alternately cutting out the fuzz and overdrive. this is quite a useful pedal, and i'm sure there's lots more to do, given some more time and exploration. it was cheap, too!
  • Good Points: dod construction gnarly fuzz, good overdrive blend option nice tone sweep cheap!
  • Bad Points: totally goofy name
  • Price Paid: US$21.00
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  • Submitted by Spiff from Germany (54 points) on Jul 16, 2004
  • First of all, for those that don't know what the controls mean: Punk is the blend between fuzz and distortion. Slam is the amount of distortion, but it only affects the distortion part of the pedal. Spikes is the tone knob, which affects both fuzz and distortion. Menace is the volume. I don't really like this pedal. I havn't tried it excessivly yet, cause it's not long since I got it, but I didn't like the sound of the fuzz, and I thought the distortion was pretty weak. But I really like the idea of blending different distortions into each other, so I'll probably give it another try. I might mod it, to change the sound of the distortion and fuzz.
  • Good Points: - you can blend two sounds
  • Bad Points: - distortion was kinda weak to my ears - I don't like the fuzz - the volume knob can be kinda jumpy
  • Price Paid: US$30.00
  • Purchased At: eBay
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  • Submitted by K. from Sealy, TX (536 points) on Aug 7, 2003
  • Have to agree with most of what the previous reviewers have had to say about this pedal, nice high pitched distortion to broken-up, sludgy fuzz by just adusting the "punk" (blend, most likely) control. Depending upon the input signal it can either be subtle to the point of being indiscernable, or make quite a dramatic change in the sound. With the "punk" knob set hard right to where it's all fuzz the unit will definitely suck some volume out of lower frequency sounds, which isn't necessarily a bad thing with this particular pedal, as long as your amp volume is up it'll add some interesting color and variation. I've noticed little change adjusting the "slam" and "spikes" controls, and the "menace" knob (which controls effect level) really does nothing to the signal unless turned down to the 8 or 9 o'clock position. I've been using it as the lead pedal in a chain and following it with a couple of other gain boosting effects to keep the levels fairly consistent, other than that I'm quite satisfied with how it performs. Additionally, these are pretty cheap considering they've been out of production for a few years.
  • Good Points: Distortion and fuzz combined in one pedal.
  • Bad Points: Can suck some volume depending upon the input signal, tone controls give little variation.
  • Price Paid: US$20.00
  • Purchased At: e-bay
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  • Submitted by Inv8der from Redondo Beach, CA (30 points) on Feb 20, 2003
  • This pedal RULES! From fuzz to distortion. The fuzz breaks up nice when the slam is at 0. Put a weak battery in this bad boy and get ready to take it.......! Bumble bee bomber sounds are a peice of cake with this pedal.
  • Good Points: The FUZZZZ! Flexible! Two different distortion sounds.
  • Bad Points: The spike or EQ could be better. It's DOD, I'll be sad when it stops working.
  • Price Paid: US$20.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Torbjörn from Örebro (110 points) on Nov 2, 2002
  • I love this pedal! It can really sweep from quite nice distortion to high frequensies and I use this as a noise source. It feels like a DOD Death Metal distortion light, a bit less harsh and a bit more control. I recommend it to anyone who can live with its silly name.
  • Good Points: Great distortion and tweakable. Can be used as noise source. Sounds good and even. Nice looking.
  • Bad Points: Silly, silly, silly name.
  • Price Paid: US$50.00
  • Purchased At: Music Music
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  • Submitted by Adrian from Raleigh, NC (274 points) on Jan 31, 2002
  • When I purchased this pedal, I didnt expect much, but it's become the first distortion pedal I grab when experimenting. Being able to shift from a normal high gain distortion sound to a fuzz type sound is kind of handy. With the "punk" knob cranked to a distortion sound, it reminds me a bit of a grunge pedal. High gain, but still spiky with a fair amount of bottom end. Cranked to the fuzz side, it's pretty sludgy. I typically used it with all the settings pegged and just adjust this "punk" setting. It seems to be a much more interesting change in the sound that the few paramaters you can typically tweak on most mass produced distortion pedals (dod's, boss, etc). The gain control doesnt really seem to have much impact on the sound, and I basically never use it.
  • Good Points: interesting variations by changing from distortion to fuzz
  • Bad Points: fuzz setting can get pretty muddy, gain knob more or less useless, there are pedals that do better distortion and fuzz seperately
  • Price Paid: US$20.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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