DigiTech Echo Plus PDS 8000

DigiTech Echo Plus PDS 8000

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One of Digitech's double play two-switch pedals, the PDS8000 has 8 second sampling, Infinite Repeat functionality and delay settings of 8 seconds, 2 seconds and 500 MSec. Capable of catching a long loop at a short delay time and expanding the captured loop to 8 seconds, this pedal is great for pounding low end sounds.

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User Reviews of the DigiTech Echo Plus PDS 8000

  • Submitted by sclr from Portland, OR (220 points) on Jul 21, 2005
  • put this thing at the front of your chain for looping and delayed mayhem. put it at the end for trippy long ambient drones etc.i have found every other review of this pedal to be pretty accurate. this pedal gets really sludgy and has that warm old school muddy sound.
  • Good Points: solid & heavy build. thick sounding.
  • Bad Points: its kind of difficult to find many uses for the trigger and sample settings.
  • Price Paid: US$75.00
  • Purchased At: craigslist
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  • Submitted by Mark from Arlington, TX (26 points) on Feb 6, 2004
  • This pedal can give you simple delays, long spacey loops, or radically chop up the sound. One of the most interesting approaches is to keep the regen. knob low and use the bypass pedal to capture fragments of sound. Then with the delay knob you can change the pitch. This can lead to some wild loops. Once you get a loop you like turn the regen. control up and add more layers. The tone of the pedal is warm.
  • Good Points: 8 seconds of delay time. Can loop and tweak the source material. The bypass pedal is really useful.
  • Bad Points: No longer made, so the price seems to be going up. It can be a little gritty
  • Price Paid: US$150.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Gus from San Francisco, CA (282 points) on Mar 16, 2002
  • The infinite repeat function is what originally interested me about this pedal. Get a loop going with it, and then crank down the delay time for low end mayhem. It can get a little muddy at low delay times, but not enough to ruin anything. The sample function is a little primitive by today's standards, but it has its uses. It's good to load a loud, static blast into the sampler, and then trigger it into an existing feedback loop. It adds a nice layering effect. I haven't used the trigger mode, so I can't speak about it. It's worth the money for the infinite repeat, and the sapling function is a nice bonus.
  • Good Points: Great infinite repeat function coupled with a basic sampler in one unit.
  • Bad Points: Rare. Eats batteries. Can be a little muddy at times
  • Price Paid: US$90.00
  • Purchased At: Mission Loan, San Francisco
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  • Submitted by K. from Sealy, TX (536 points) on Mar 10, 2002
  • I've been using this pedal for a few years and absolutely love it, though I find I rarely use the 8 second delay. Best feature of this whole series of delays is the bypass function, you can basically get a loop going w/ the infinite repeat mode and and drop it in and out by hitting the bypass switch, great for getting a chopped up effect. The sampling function can be used in a similar fashion, but every time you hit the trigger switch it starts the loop from the beginning and plays it once. As for the 8 sec. of delay provided, I find it most useful for droney ambient/atmospheric effects, start w/ a faster delay time and then turn the control knob up to increase the delay time and slow down the loop, nice, but does tend to make noisier passages muddy when slowed excessively. Great pedal and worth the price if you can find one.
  • Good Points: Loop (infinite repeat), delay times up to 8 seconds, simple sampler.
  • Bad Points: None I can think of
  • Price Paid: US$80.00
  • Purchased At: pawn shop
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