Danelectro Shift Daddy DSD-1

Danelectro Shift Daddy DSD-1

This echo-pitch shifter stretches and twists your signal. Also serves up slap, spring, arena, and 'interplanetary' echoes. Powered by 9-volt battery (included) or optional DA-1 power supply.

Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price: $149.00

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User Reviews of the Danelectro Shift Daddy DSD-1

  • Submitted by Belial from Chicago, IL (110 points) on Mar 24, 2007
  • The shift daddy is pretty cool. You get a selection of 4 short delays ('interplanetary' being some of the most extremely spacey, shimmering echo I've ever heard) and you can pitch shift with the pedal itself. You can go from a "whammy bar" flutter effect, to slight twists and turns, to spinning variations of your sounds around in a circle. Using this pedal takes some time getting used to. However, if you're willing to work at it, some cool sounds can be achieved with this one. Its quite unique and allows for a good range of effects combinations. Best in a chain, with some distortion and a modulator in front of it. One of the best Danelectro pedals ever made. Also, I will second the other reviewers advice to remove the rubber stoppers, which gives you more control over pitch-shifting.
  • Good Points: Fun to play around with, construction is decent, cool echoes and subtle, strange pitch shifting.
  • Bad Points: Bulky, Ridiculously funny paint job and casing design can be good or bad, Pitch Shifter is alright, but not really amazing.
  • Price Paid: US$40.00
  • Purchased At: From a guy named Boombats
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  • Submitted by provera from Waterloo, IA (172 points) on Dec 19, 2006
  • Basically this is a delay with the delay time adjustable by the treadle instead of a knob. A good idea, but putting switches on the sides instead of pots to adjust mix and range is kinda goofy, and the delay time is pretty short even on the longest setting. That said, put it next to a better delay in your chain and it's pretty handy for modulation and definitely works well in a feedback loop. Despite being the most ridiculous looking pedal I own (I'll never complain about the Snarling Dogs goofyfoot again), I'd definitely suggest it if you can find it cheap and actually use it with your foot -- otherwise it's just a so-so delay pedal.
  • Good Points: Cheap decent-sounding delay Adjusting delay time wah-style works great Good for additional modulation
  • Bad Points: A little flimsy (it's a Danelectro after all) Actual delay nothing special Looks like some kinda rockabilly nightmare
  • Price Paid: US$30.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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  • Submitted by Roger from Scottsdale, AZ (16 points) on Feb 12, 2006
  • If I were to review this based on the sounds alone it would do a hell of a lot better, though in general it is awesome. I ordered one about two weeks ago, and it didn't survive the shippment process, though I cannot say it was strictly because the pedal is weak... I have gotten things from fed-ex just completely destroyed, with holes in the boxes ect... Anywho, got a new one, and it is awesome to say the least. It looks a little stupid I must say, but the sounds that come out of this thing are amazing for ambient builds. I run a pretty weird setup, currently: ABY, Pro CO. RatII, Homemade Feedback loop(send to mixer, return from mixer, with feedback loops on a all the othr inputs but one), MXR Blue Box, Small Stone, Snarling Dogs, Mold Spore, Ibanez AD-9, Big Muff, Boss DD-6, Shift Daddy(output Y, one side to out, one side sent back into mixer). In this setup, the shift daddy performs excellently. It sounds pretty cool fedback into itself, but on the interplanetary setting it comes close to self oscillating itself. In combination with the boss dd-6 self oscilation it can twist and turn your tone in remarkable ways... I deffinately reccoment this to anybody looking to do something atmospheric with their sound... it can pull off some radiohead like drones very easily... Truely a choice weapon in any noisician's arsenal. It is even cooler if you remove the two little rubber feet from the body of the pedal, llowing the expression pedal to go further down, and lso making the two buttons on the top way more accessable via your feet.
  • Good Points: great sounding machine stuck in a wah's body... provides for an excellent experimentation experiance.
  • Bad Points: Poor design, in a couple of instances. The pedals on th top are close togther, and difficult to reach, and this thing would benefit from knows in the stead of the little switches on the side for maximum tweakability.
  • Price Paid: US$50.00
  • Purchased At: ebay
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